The Ohio Farmers Union with Northwest State Community College is hosting an Ohio agricultural policy information meeting on June 30. Ohio State Sen. Cliff Hite and Agriculture Inspections Administrator David Simmons of the Ohio Dept. of Agriculture will speak and answer questions. OFU President Roger Wise will conduct the meeting and discuss OFU activities and policy concerns.
The meeting will be held at Northwest State’s George V. Voinovich Auditorium located at 22600 SR 34, Archbold and is open to the general public. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the presentation begins at 7 p.m.
Wise said topics that OFU members will have questions about include the Ohio Grain Indemnity Fund, the potential for hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” to be used to extract oil and gas in Ohio’s state parks and state rules on field nutrient management planning in areas where watersheds are in distress.
Hite served two terms in the Ohio House and joined the Senate this year. The Findlay Republican is chairman of the Senate Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources Committee. His district includes Defiance, Fulton, Hancock, Hardin, Henry, Paulding, Putnam, Williams and Van Wert counties as well as a portion of Auglaize County.
Simmons will provide an overview of the Grain Indemnity Fund which provides financial protection to farmers in the event a licensed elevator becomes insolvent. Simmons is attached to the Ohio Dept. of Agriculture’s Division of Plant Industry Grain, Feed & Seed Section.
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