WASHINGTON (May 25, 2011) – National Farmers Union (NFU) Vice President of Government Relations Chandler Goule addressed attendees of the Windpower 2011 conference in Anaheim, Calif. on Wednesday and talked up the virtues of wind power projects.
The conference was sponsored by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA). Goule was one of three panelists on a panel entitled “Community Wind: Power for People.”
“NFU has long been an advocate for community wind projects, and with good reason,” said Goule. “Community wind projects produce 2.6 times as many jobs and 3.1 times as much economic benefit compared to wind projects with outside ownership.”
Goule also highlighted NFU’s partnership with OwnEnergy, which allows NFU members to become involved with a community wind project.
“NFU has teamed up with community wind developer OwnEnergy to build and operate community wind projects across the country,” said Goule. “Community wind projects are great for rural America because they give farmers and ranchers an additional revenue stream while simultaneously producing clean energy. We are very excited about the possibilities for rural America that are created by community wind, and seek public policy opportunities to encourage community wind across the U.S.”
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