The Ohio Farmers Union made contact with more than a dozen state legislators earlier this week during our 2012 Ohio Legislative Day in Columbus and discussed hot topics like the shale oil and gas boom in eastern Ohio, the Ohio Turnpike, restoration of funding for the Office of the Ohio Consumers Counsel, grain indemnity and Ohio’s renewable energy goals.
Northwest State’s Stuckey Talks Renewable Energy Education, Agriculture
On June 30, the Ohio Farmers Union held a town hall-style meeting at Northwest State Community College. The first speaker that night was Dr. Thomas Stuckey, president of NWSCC. In this video, Stuckey discusses the potential of renewable energy to family farms and rural communities.
NFU Calls Senate Agreement on Renewable Energy ‘Sensible’
WASHINGTON – National Farmers Union (NFU) President Roger Johnson issued the following statement regarding the agreement by Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., to repeal the Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit (VEETC) while reducing the deficit and continuing investments in renewable fuels:
NFU begins Green Energy Tour today
The National Farmers Union and The Climate Network kick off a green energy tour today in Millbank, South Dakota at the Midwest Dairy Institute.
NFU President Roger Johnson said the tour’s purpose is to teach family farmers and ranchers that opportunities in renewable energy could be a boon to their operations. Johnson said benefits of renewable energy include additional revenue for rural communities and farmers, less dependence on foreign oil and a smaller environmental footprint.
NFU VP of Government Relations Addresses Renewable Energy Issues at Conference
WASHINGTON (June 21, 2011) – National Farmers Union (NFU) Vice President of Government Relations Chandler Goule spoke to attendees of the Biogas East and Midwest 2011 Conference today about energy programs in the 2012 Farm Bill and potential challenges that those programs face.
“Programs such as the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) have become very popular recently,” said Goule. “EQIP provides financial and technical assistance to producers to help plan and implement conservation practices. Unfortunately, the Fiscal Year 2012 budget that just passed the U.S. House of Representatives cuts EQIP funding twenty percent from what was authorized in the 2008 Farm Bill. These budget cuts also affect the program going forward, reducing the baseline in the 2012 Farm Bill.”
NFU to Make Summer Renewable Energy Tour
WASHINGTON – National Farmers Union (NFU) has partnered with The Climate Network to conduct a series of meetings this summer across the Midwest on the theme of renewable energy solutions.