Welcome to the online home of the Ohio Farmers Union. We are Ohio’s membership organization advocating on behalf of the rights and needs of Ohio’s family farmers, rural residents and consumers. Our work today on behalf of working families and local economies is as important today as it was when we began our program of lobbying and education in 1934. We believe that in the wake of the Financial Crisis of 2008 and the Great Recession which followed, it’s all the more important for small business, family agriculture and its benefits to communities and consumers all over Ohio have a strong voice in the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus.
In addition to legislative representation for our members and agricultural and consumer education, Ohio Farmers Union also works in several local chapters and five regions across the state on fostering cooperative business practices and opportunities for farm families and rural communities.
The benefits of membership in the Ohio Farmers Union are obvious if you are in a rural setting, but what do we offer Ohio’s urban dwellers? Consider this – the backbone of the growing slow food and organic movements are the family farmers and ranchers across Ohio and the U.S. bringing products to the farmers markets and restaurants in your city. When we advocate on behalf of the family farmer we are making sure that the agricultural playing field isn’t slanted toward the mega-producers and preserves everyone’s ability to “know their farmer.”
We hope you’ll visit our site often to learn about our issues. We sincerely hope you’ll be inspired to become active by telling your elected representatives how you feel, writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper or starting a blog. We really hope you’ll consider joining us by becoming a member!
While you consider membership, learn more about our organization and our parent, the National Farmers Union. To learn more, visit: