The Ohio Farmers Union, working through Darke County attorney Ted Finnarn – an OFU member and a member of the Ohio Dept. of Taxation’s CAUV Advisory panel – has been doggedly working for the past three years to get Columbus to fix the problems with Current Agricultural Use Valuations (CAUV).
Part of this effort is a petition drive, spearheaded by Finnarn, and directed at OFU and other farm organizations across the state. Finnarn works for OFU but also attends meetings of the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation and other groups educating and advocating regarding CAUV reform. He circulates the petition, linked below, across the state.
Here’s what you can do.
Download and print the petition. Sign and it and ask your friends and family in rural Ohio to also sign. Once a page is filled out, please send the page via U.S. mail to Farmers Union, c/o 421 Public Square, Greenville, Ohio 45331.
This does not look like an official petition, but I have printed one out and will get signatures and mail it in. 🙂 This has affected my taxes enormously even though only 10 acres of the 45 is able to be used for crops.