2020 ‘Special Orders of Business’
Each January, the Ohio Farmers Union holds its annual convention in Columbus, Ohio. One of the most important duties the delegates undertake each year is to identify the “Special Orders of Business” for duration of the current year. These special orders are what convention delegates determine through debate and votes should be the highlights of OFU policy for the year.
In January 2020 OFU issued special orders on subjects ranging from corporate concentration in the ag industry, nutrient management and Lake Erie to backsliding on the Renewable Fuel Standard, commodity check-off programs and more. Click here to read them in their entirety.
Ohio Farmers Union Policy Overview
For an exhaustive and detailed account of OFU current policy please download our annual policy document.
National Farmers Union – Our D.C. Policy Arm
The Ohio Farmers Union is a state affiliate of the National Farmers Union in Washington, D.C. NFU began in 1902 in Texas and currently represents family farmers, fishers and ranchers across the country, with formally organized divisions in 33 states.
NFU Mission Statement
To advocate for the economic and social well-being, and quality of life of family farmers, ranchers, fishermen and consumers and their communities through education, cooperation and legislation. National Farmers Union advocates sustainable production of food, fiber, feed and fuel.
NFU Vision Statement
National Farmers Union will continue to be the respected, influential and independent national voice and coalition leader that bridges family producers and consumers on behalf of a vibrant and growing grassroots membership.
National Policy
Each year National Farmers Union gathers for a convention and passes a national slate of special orders of business that guide its public policy and outreach for the year.
NFU’s special orders of business for 2018 include:
- Family Farming and Cooperatives, which supports recent tax law that allows farmers to deduct up to 20 percent of gross agricultural sales to cooperatives;
- Family Farming and Crop Insurance Enhancement, which advocates for Congress to expedite availability to all farmers of the Inventory Management Soil Enhancement Tool;
- Family Farming and Dairy, which lays out several proposed reforms for dairy in the coming Farm Bill;
- Family Farming and E30, which advocates for consumer savings, health and farming benefits of the fuel;
- Family Farming and Farm Bills, which includes a raft of Farmers Union proposals for the next Farm Bill;
- Family Farming and Immigration, which asks Congress to differentiate between guest workers and undocumented residents and reform the H-2A visa program so that it provides a less bureaucratic path to augmenting the ag workforce;
- Family Farming and Leading the Way on Climate Change, which continues NFU’s proactive, common sense policy proposals in dealing with issues such as voluntary conservation, sustainable crop systems and carbon sequestration;
- Family Farming and Livestock Production which begins to address NFU concerns about imitation products being marketed as if they were meat, and;
- Family Farming and Trade Policy which emphasizes eliminating trade deficits, increasing exports and ensuring domestic sovereignty on issues of price, quantity and labeling.
Click here to read the National Farmers Union Special Orders in their entirety.
NFU also maintains an exhaustive formal policy document, you may view that here.