Whether you are a family farmer, rural resident or a consumer – and we’re all consumers – this is an important time to join the Ohio Farmers Union.
As an Ohioan who is concerned about revitalizing local economies and what your family eats you’ll get OFU’s representation in Columbus before the Kasich Administration and the Ohio General Assembly. This means that you are helping to lift the voices of ordinary family farmers, small ranchers and the issues that help them keep locally grown and raised, healthy food as a choice in your area. The cards are stacked against truly small businesses in this country, including farmers. OFU is interested in going at issues that affect local economies, families and consumers – we’re not fighting for more power for agribusiness and others who limit our choices as consumers and approach our system of food from a profit first standpoint.
You will also become a member of the National Farmers Union which carries on the same fight in Congress.
Finally, for new members who join between now and the end of February 2012, a portion of your membership fee will be applied toward fighting hunger in America. Through a partnership among Feeding America, the National Farmers Union and the Howard G. Buffett Foundation, a portion of your membership will be directly donated to Feeding America and matched by the Howard G. Buffett Foundation. Click here to learn more, or visit NFU’s Feeding America page to join now!