Although the Ohio Department of Natural Resources press release mentions land use planners, emergency preparedness and wildlife managers, I thought Ohio Farmers Union members – especially producers – would be interested to know ODNR is planning a workshop on planning for “climate impacts.” (Read: Climate Change) Information about the workshop:
The Planning for Climate Impacts workshop features the latest science research and forecast models regarding the impacts a changing climate could have on Great Lakes’ coastal communities and ecosystems. The workshop focuses on actions communities can take today to prepare and adapt to the impacts of a changing climate. Based on a successful national model, the workshop was tailored to the Great Lakes region with extensive input from a local planning team to ensure that the workshop will address regional needs and issues.
Experts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Coastal Services Center and NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Cuyahoga County Board of Health, and ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability will provide an overview of the latest climate science, information about climate planning processes and strategies, and examples of available planning tools and resources. The workshop will include an interactive session that offers an introduction to assessing climate vulnerabilities in Northern Ohio communities.
Participants will have the opportunity to tour the Cleveland Museum of Natural History’s PNC SmartHome and visit the Museum’s climate change exhibition. Representatives from the Chagrin River Watershed Partners, Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, Cleveland State University, Ohio Balanced Growth Program, and the City of Cleveland Heights will share case studies of planning approaches and practices that support resilience to a changing climate. Planners can earn six American Planning Association Certification Maintenance credits for participating in the course.
The workshop will be held August 10 at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The cost is $20 per person and includes a continental breakfast, lunch and parking. For more information, contact Heather Elmer at (419) 433-4601 or Online registration and speaker information is found at