Twenty other counties also qualify for low interest loans
The U.S. Department of Agriculture designated five Ohio counties as primary agricultural natural disaster areas, making certain farmers and other agricultural producers in the counties eligible for low-interest emergency loans from USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA).
The following counties were designated as primary natural disaster areas, due to excessive rain, flooding, high winds, and tornadoes that occurred from February 2, 2011, through March 23, 2011. Those counties are; Ashland, Delaware, Holmes, Tuscarawas and Wyandot.
Counties covered by the declaration because they are contiguous to the five counties are: Carroll, Coshocton, Crawford, Franklin, Guernsey, Hancock, Hardin, Harrison, Huron, Knox, Licking, Lorain, Marion, Medina, Morrow, Richland, Seneca, Stark, Union and Wayne.
For more information regarding the disaster declaration and low interest emergency loans please visit the Ohio Farm Service Agency.
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